Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Day without a thought... No I'm not special.

I just had this day...where like I had no productive thought. I didn't want to do anything except just lean back and watch tv or listen to music. Which I did but I could barely even concentrate on even that.

Anyways I'm all better now so hooray, let's celebrate by doing nothing.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Rain Jacket

I need one. I keep getting wet during the rain.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Just like the word "love," the word "friend" is thrown around more often than a dirty whore. Okay, that may be a bit inappropriate.

I think the word "friend" should be used less. Because all the "friends" we think we make are most of the time really just "acquaintances." I remember considering lots of people my friends but realized that we're really just acquaintances. I mean we never really talk, and the most we ever talk about is small talk like "what did you do on the weekend" or "what did you do yesterday."

It's also funny how friends can become acquaintances. One day they're talking merrily to you and the next they answer your questions with as little words as possible. Those kind of conversations just depresses me. That's when I realized we've become acquaintances or maybe... we've never really been friends.

I have very few close friends and I can just jump into talking with them without all that small talk crap even after not talking to them for days or weeks. But with some people, it just feels awkward. So maybe we were only close acquaintances at best. Wow, what a sad revelation.

There's nothing wrong with being acquaintances because ultimately it's just a superficial rank we make up in our head; sometimes your acquaintances can become your best friend without you realizing it and vice versa.

Here's to Friends and Acquaintances.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Who are we as who are you?

We are who we are when we are where we are at any time, place, world we choose to be.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Really gotta

I really gotta buckle down.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

For really

It's awesome not having people to really talk to now a days. It's pretty damn cool keeping the shitola to myself.

Because why tell it to other people? They set it aside and leave it there but on some occasions, they'll glance over you know then give you a half-assed comment. Why bother even trying right? It's cool, I'm totally cool with that.

I hope my sarcasm was apparent

Friday, January 8, 2010

I don't understand

I don't understand people.